book review: Easter In The Garden

I originally picked up this book (by Pamela Kennedy) because of its beautiful illustrations (by David Wenzel) and because of the Easter theme. But when I opened the first page and saw the main character's name was Micah (my first son's name), I had to get it!
Micah has two concerns: that the eggs he has found in the garden will never hatch and that Jesus is dead and he will never see Him again. As the story unfolds, Micah watches the Roman soldiers march through the street. The family's faith is tested. There are tender moments with his mother, the practice of the Passover/Sabbath supper, and the revelation of the angel in the Garden. As Micah watches from his perch in the olive branches, he hears that Jesus is alive and then sees the eggs hatch. He runs home to tell the most exciting news...not that his birdies have hatched, but that Jesus is alive!!
A sweet book to discuss with your kids. One that you'll want to prompt reading comprehension with. I hope you'll enjoy it!