a prayer for egypt

We sat in Pizza Hut, awestruck at the violence in Egypt displayed on the overhead television screen, and just as quickly urged our children to shield their eyes as blood ran down dirt-darkened faces, but they'd already seen.

That night, after the questions had been asked and the children tucked safely in their beds, my eyes fell to Psalm 7:9 (NIV):

"Bring to an end the violence of the wicked
and make the righteous secure—
You, the righteous God
Who probes minds and hearts."

The next day (yesterday) I got news from a pastor-missionary who teaches in Egypt. He shared the disillusionment of a democracy in the current cultural reality, as well as the vulnerability of families lacking the protection of any police intervention, men taking measures to protect their wives and children, families who have barricaded themselves into their apartment buildings but are now running out of basic necessities such as food and water....

My mind goes back to the woman and her two children whose only resource was a jar of oil. Her God is our God. He can still multiple meager resources to meet desperate needs. He can, and I have to believe He will. We have but to ask, to ask in faith, believing....

And today, my heart repeats:

"Bring to an end the violence of the wicked
and make the righteous secure—you, the righteous God
Who probes minds and hearts."

"O righteous God
Who searches minds and hearts
Bring to an end the violence of the wicked
and make the righteous secure."


To listen to a beautifully-read audio file of this verse in its context, click here: Psalm 7.
Keep praying.


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